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Whole Family

Going to the beach - 2 November 2005 at Caloundra

Tim's picture

Tim's parents are over from New Zealand on holiday. This week they are holidaying at an apartment in Caloundra on the Sunshine Coast just north of Brisbane.

2nd November we went up to visit them. Miranda had already stayed over for a few days and this time it was Jadeen's turn to stay with them for 2 days.


First though we had to go to the beach and make sandcastles. This was a lot of fun with a large fort being constructed with some fairly rudimentary towers on the 4 corners, the best of which was smashed by a child before any photos were taken!

This was followed up by a visit to the rock pools along part of the coast while the tide was out.


Tim managed to get some fantastic shots of the foam droplets as the waves smashed against the rock shelf we were on. The new camera really captures this well with drops of foam hanging suspended in the air.

All the pictures are in the Outings gallery as well as the other galleries they belong to. Click on Jadeen's gallery to see all her pictures for example.


Finally we enjoyed a meal of fish and chips in the apartment with Mum and Dad before heading home leaving Jadeen to stay for 2 days. We will miss her but she is bound to have fun and will be back before we know it.


Tim's picture

We all went to the beach last Sunday afternoon and built sandcastles.
The main castle was a 3 metre square tide fort. While shovelling the sand I developed blisters on my palms!
It successfuly held the water out for some time.
We also did some sculpting of wet sand making some simple


spires and towers.
The kids loved playing in the sand and revelled in all the sights and sounds. We found a soldier crab, watched a hawk riding the wind currents, played in the current of the incoming tide (we were right at the entrance way to a long passage way between the mainland and a large island)
Then we had a great swim before coming home.
There are a heap more photos in the galleries.

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Tim's picture

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Went to the creek and played

Tim's picture

Today we went to the creek and played - it was great!
The kids found some mud and splashed and had a ball as did the dog. Mercedes preferred to watch from the comfort of the bank with me as I used the camera to good effect - there are 50 odd photos published here today.
Check the Nature Image Gallery for the pictures

Lots going on at the moment

Tim's picture

Read about Judith's dragons on her site and check out the sunsets we have been having.
Tim is full on at soccer at the moment, both outdoor and indoor.
We are all enjoying the fantsastic food Judith creates.