Saturday, February 21, 2004
I really get a kick of producing nice clean code in VBA.
Finished the reporting system data cleansing job. Nice coding job. I liked it!
Finished the reporting system data cleansing job. Nice coding job. I liked it!
Onto the next job - it is soooo hot here today - 35 degrees C - feels like 44 according to the weather forecast software
I am still in the first page of Google results for the use of the word Tramol.
This will probably make me stick there even more!
By the way - this has got to be the best pain killer I have ever used.
It works - for more than the 12 hours and there are no side effects, drowsiness, nausea, constipation - nothing!
So for all you Google searchers who find me - there ya go. Tramol - its OK by me.
(All standard warranties and disclaimers about using this advice etc apply - I am not qualifed to give medical or pharmaceutical advice and I will not be held responsbible for the results of anybody who uses this information)
Isn't it sad I needed to put that there!
This will probably make me stick there even more!
By the way - this has got to be the best pain killer I have ever used.
It works - for more than the 12 hours and there are no side effects, drowsiness, nausea, constipation - nothing!
So for all you Google searchers who find me - there ya go. Tramol - its OK by me.
(All standard warranties and disclaimers about using this advice etc apply - I am not qualifed to give medical or pharmaceutical advice and I will not be held responsbible for the results of anybody who uses this information)
Isn't it sad I needed to put that there!
New for this blog. I am going to do an Excel tip of the day. It may not be every day, but it will be a useful tip.
They will all be boxed in this cool colour.
If you have any questions about the use of this free Excel tip - or need more help using Paste Special - feel free to add a comment and an email address and I will get back to you, and I will paste the answer in the comments also.
If you have any suggestions for tips leave a comment also.
They will all be boxed in this cool colour.
Excel Tip of The Day
Paste Special
When you copy something to the clipboard you can then paste it in several ways.
You can paste it as a link, as a value, as formats, formulas etc. To do this instead of pasting as per normal, right click and select Paste Special. (or Edit, Paste Special) This brings up the Paste Special Dialog box and allows you to select your activity. You can do this multiple times and paste different components.
Here are a few ideas that you can use.
Paste Special Formulas Use this when you want to copy a formula but don't want to change the editing on the target cell(s)
Paste Special Values Use this when you want to convert a selection (or single cell) from formulas or links to just the current calculated value. Full resolution of formulas to maximum decimal places will occur even if formatting doesn't show it. This is useful to cut links from external files, replace temporary formulas with actual results etc.
Paste Special Links Use this to quickly paste the link to an external spreadsheet by copying from that sheet and paste links into the target cell(s)
Paste Operation - Multiply, Add, Divide, Subtract These are very powerful tools. Try this
Find a selection of formulas (eg sums at the bottom of a range). Enter 0 (zero) in a blank cell then copy that cell.
Select the range you want to alter and Paste Special Operation Multiply. (You may want to click Formulas as well so as to not change target cell(s) formatting).
This will add to your existing formula *0 (and any required brackets) and the result will become zero. This can be used in all sorts of ways, - eg dividing numbers by 1,000 to change $ to $'000 etc.
Paste Special Transpose Use this to alter the orientation of a selection of cells. Copy a column and turn it into a row and vice versa.
Paste Special
When you copy something to the clipboard you can then paste it in several ways.
You can paste it as a link, as a value, as formats, formulas etc. To do this instead of pasting as per normal, right click and select Paste Special. (or Edit, Paste Special) This brings up the Paste Special Dialog box and allows you to select your activity. You can do this multiple times and paste different components.
Here are a few ideas that you can use.
Paste Special Formulas Use this when you want to copy a formula but don't want to change the editing on the target cell(s)
Paste Special Values Use this when you want to convert a selection (or single cell) from formulas or links to just the current calculated value. Full resolution of formulas to maximum decimal places will occur even if formatting doesn't show it. This is useful to cut links from external files, replace temporary formulas with actual results etc.
Paste Special Links Use this to quickly paste the link to an external spreadsheet by copying from that sheet and paste links into the target cell(s)
Paste Operation - Multiply, Add, Divide, Subtract These are very powerful tools. Try this
Find a selection of formulas (eg sums at the bottom of a range). Enter 0 (zero) in a blank cell then copy that cell.
Select the range you want to alter and Paste Special Operation Multiply. (You may want to click Formulas as well so as to not change target cell(s) formatting).
This will add to your existing formula *0 (and any required brackets) and the result will become zero. This can be used in all sorts of ways, - eg dividing numbers by 1,000 to change $ to $'000 etc.
Paste Special Transpose Use this to alter the orientation of a selection of cells. Copy a column and turn it into a row and vice versa.
If you have any questions about the use of this free Excel tip - or need more help using Paste Special - feel free to add a comment and an email address and I will get back to you, and I will paste the answer in the comments also.
If you have any suggestions for tips leave a comment also.
Friday, February 20, 2004
OK so going to soccer was a mistake tonight
At least I have now had the third accident - and I always have accidents in threes.
About 3-4 minutes into the second half I tackled a bloke who was shooting for our goal. I made the tackle, but the angle I was meant I was tripped by him, and I rolled my ankle and fell. His body was against mine stopping me from using my hands so I hit the astroturf with all my weight and height on the corner of my left eyebrow. As my head bounced up I saw blood streaming off my face. By the time I turned around and people gathered around, they thought I had lost an eye by the amount of blood on my face and in my eye socket. I couldn't see out of my eye. I was helped to my feet (watch the broken collar bone!) and walked off the court.
There I was tended to by a lady from the other team, and Ben's girl Megan - who is a doctor (as is Ben). They iced my ankle and cleaned the blood off my head, bandaged it and iced it.
After the game (we lost miserably) Ben and Megan concurred that I probably should have it stitched, but I could get away with steri strips if I wanted to. I opted for home (where the drugs are - hip hip hooray for Tramol) and my excellent wife.She picked me up - we screeched into a chemists 4 minutes after they closed and scored some steri strips and home we went where she doctored me up. Thanks love.
Photos below.

Special thanks to Melissa and Ralf (who missed most of the second half helping me)
At least I have now had the third accident - and I always have accidents in threes.
About 3-4 minutes into the second half I tackled a bloke who was shooting for our goal. I made the tackle, but the angle I was meant I was tripped by him, and I rolled my ankle and fell. His body was against mine stopping me from using my hands so I hit the astroturf with all my weight and height on the corner of my left eyebrow. As my head bounced up I saw blood streaming off my face. By the time I turned around and people gathered around, they thought I had lost an eye by the amount of blood on my face and in my eye socket. I couldn't see out of my eye. I was helped to my feet (watch the broken collar bone!) and walked off the court.
There I was tended to by a lady from the other team, and Ben's girl Megan - who is a doctor (as is Ben). They iced my ankle and cleaned the blood off my head, bandaged it and iced it.
After the game (we lost miserably) Ben and Megan concurred that I probably should have it stitched, but I could get away with steri strips if I wanted to. I opted for home (where the drugs are - hip hip hooray for Tramol) and my excellent wife.She picked me up - we screeched into a chemists 4 minutes after they closed and scored some steri strips and home we went where she doctored me up. Thanks love.
Photos below.

Special thanks to Melissa and Ralf (who missed most of the second half helping me)
MailFrontier Matador is a fantastic spam management software program - runs on your pc. I am trialling it now.
Thanks Doug
Thanks Doug
Task list as it stands at the moment in order of priority (not necessarily order of completion)
Quote for web dev for client
Work on 3 projects for 2 clients - 1 cashflow, 1 reporting system, 1 complex scientific modelling system
Continue development of reporting system for church
Write advertising seeking sponsors for church web site
Continue writing internet policy for church
Create Add, Change, Delete form for users
Change CSS borders code in all blogs
Develop powerpoint presentation for public presentation due 28th March (needs to be reviewed before then)
Research for Project MO (secret project)
Review current 10 year goals (written in May 1994 and write next 10 year goals)
I think I should get started now!
Task list as it stands at the moment in order of priority (not necessarily order of completion)
Quote for web dev for client
Work on 3 projects for 2 clients - 1 cashflow, 1 reporting system, 1 complex scientific modelling system
Continue development of reporting system for church
Write advertising seeking sponsors for church web site
Continue writing internet policy for church
Create Add, Change, Delete form for users
Change CSS borders code in all blogs
Develop powerpoint presentation for public presentation due 28th March (needs to be reviewed before then)
Research for Project MO (secret project)
Review current 10 year goals (written in May 1994 and write next 10 year goals)
I think I should get started now!
My 2 year old is sooo cute
This morning I made scrambled eggs for myself and the 7 year old, and then helped the two year old eat her nutrigrain and milk. Every mouthful had to be an airplane zooming to her mouth, and if it didn't go fast enough it wasn't allowed in! Then she showed me with great excitement the house she painted at childcare on Thursday, and sat next to me on the couch being cute.
This morning I made scrambled eggs for myself and the 7 year old, and then helped the two year old eat her nutrigrain and milk. Every mouthful had to be an airplane zooming to her mouth, and if it didn't go fast enough it wasn't allowed in! Then she showed me with great excitement the house she painted at childcare on Thursday, and sat next to me on the couch being cute.
Mel Gibson has a new movie out - for those who didn't know - only this time he directed it. Its called The Passion Of the Christ and is the story of Christ's death and resurrection.
There has been some widespread talk and commentary about it.
Here are some views for and some against it (as I understand the author's intent. Please forgive me if I have categorised you writing incorrectly. Let me know and I will correct it.)
Positive Comments
Bumbling Out Of the Dark
Joyful Christian
Joshua Claybourn
The Ben File
Internet Movie Database
Opinion Reserved
For the Time Being
Post Modern Pilgrim
Focus on the Family
Bishop Frank Rodimer
Negative Comments
Phil Baker
The Journal News
Other Articles
King of Fools
World Net Daily - links to lots of articles
What do you think?
Please post your comments and leave links to sites etc
I will reserve my comments until after I have seen the fiilm.
There has been some widespread talk and commentary about it.
Here are some views for and some against it (as I understand the author's intent. Please forgive me if I have categorised you writing incorrectly. Let me know and I will correct it.)
Positive Comments
Bumbling Out Of the Dark
Joyful Christian
Joshua Claybourn
The Ben File
Internet Movie Database
Opinion Reserved
For the Time Being
Post Modern Pilgrim
Focus on the Family
Bishop Frank Rodimer
Negative Comments
Phil Baker
The Journal News
Other Articles
King of Fools
World Net Daily - links to lots of articles
What do you think?
Please post your comments and leave links to sites etc
I will reserve my comments until after I have seen the fiilm.
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Massive day - lots of work done - heaps of emails written and dealt with - lots of sleep needed - night night
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Had an awesome day today!
We went to Southbank - an artificial beach and play area right in the middle of the city. We went on the city cat then played in the water then had a Mt Vesuvious icecream then caught the cat back. Then we dropped of Brendan and Rosalie at Rosalies sister's place before driving to Girls Brigade.
I went to ameeting while Miranda was there while Judith went to McDonalds and then we went home.
Big day but lots of fun!
Photos here. (link to come tomorrow - too tired now)
We went to Southbank - an artificial beach and play area right in the middle of the city. We went on the city cat then played in the water then had a Mt Vesuvious icecream then caught the cat back. Then we dropped of Brendan and Rosalie at Rosalies sister's place before driving to Girls Brigade.
I went to ameeting while Miranda was there while Judith went to McDonalds and then we went home.
Big day but lots of fun!
Photos here. (link to come tomorrow - too tired now)
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
The Register reports on Microsoft's "buggy" software
Flaw on Tuesday, exploit by Monday
By John Leyden
I am all for full exposure (like Janet and Justin) of microsoft's security holes, and also appreciate the full discolsure approach by a lot of hackers. These guys largely do us all a great service by finding ways to make software more user friendl and secure. Obviously there are the odd rogues that create malware with negative payloads, but the bulk of them are doing great things.
A lot of them are even employed by big firms including Microsoft to help make networks and software more secure.
Ethical Hacking Certification
The Whir
Viruses being written now such as mydoom are exposing the holes in the system and and the reliance on large numbers of people on a buggy operating system - Microsoft. When are they going to get it right? Some of their source code was leaked the other day. They need to make the whole thing available so that the open source community can get in there and secure it. I run Debian linux servers because they are far more secure and stable than Microsoft. Most attacks on the internet are aimed at Microsoft server software. Microsoft doesn't even use its own software for hotmail ecause it isn't stable enough.
So why should they keep make us pay for it. I counted up yesterday the number of legit copies of MS Windows and variants that I own.
Dos 3.3 - 1
Dos 5.0 - 1
Windows 3.11 - 1
Windows 95 - 2
Windows 98 - 1
Windows 98 se -2
Windows XP Pro - 1
I have 4 pcs running XP.
Yet I only use the latest one - and I actually use a XPPRO sp1 cd because the original XP Pro was so buggy they created an 113MB patch!
We are paying money for what? Big glitzy advertising and legal fees fighting lawsuits. Come on Microsoft. Make an effort to make your software secure and stable. Give it to the open source community.
Flaw on Tuesday, exploit by Monday
By John Leyden
I am all for full exposure (like Janet and Justin) of microsoft's security holes, and also appreciate the full discolsure approach by a lot of hackers. These guys largely do us all a great service by finding ways to make software more user friendl and secure. Obviously there are the odd rogues that create malware with negative payloads, but the bulk of them are doing great things.
A lot of them are even employed by big firms including Microsoft to help make networks and software more secure.
Ethical Hacking Certification
The Whir
Viruses being written now such as mydoom are exposing the holes in the system and and the reliance on large numbers of people on a buggy operating system - Microsoft. When are they going to get it right? Some of their source code was leaked the other day. They need to make the whole thing available so that the open source community can get in there and secure it. I run Debian linux servers because they are far more secure and stable than Microsoft. Most attacks on the internet are aimed at Microsoft server software. Microsoft doesn't even use its own software for hotmail ecause it isn't stable enough.
So why should they keep make us pay for it. I counted up yesterday the number of legit copies of MS Windows and variants that I own.
Dos 3.3 - 1
Dos 5.0 - 1
Windows 3.11 - 1
Windows 95 - 2
Windows 98 - 1
Windows 98 se -2
Windows XP Pro - 1
I have 4 pcs running XP.
Yet I only use the latest one - and I actually use a XPPRO sp1 cd because the original XP Pro was so buggy they created an 113MB patch!
We are paying money for what? Big glitzy advertising and legal fees fighting lawsuits. Come on Microsoft. Make an effort to make your software secure and stable. Give it to the open source community.
Another scorcher of a day!. We had our house inspection today. It went very well and the owners have indicated their willingness to sign us up for a two year lease. Yeehah! Praise the Lord! We have a house to live in!
In other news the collar bone is healing well.
Projects on the go include the web development for church really ramping up. We go live on 1st March for a major new project. My current tasks include co-ordinating the backend development (done by RDSSA), the text content writing and editing (fortunately I don't have to do that) and the graphics coordination and development (also delegated). I have to organise the communication with the church, the connection with the church databases, office processes, testing and infrastucture. I also have to write policy and procedures for the church on the use of web technology. This is a volunteer job also.
Then I also have a number of other projects on the go for clients that all need to be done urgently.
So I am going to stop blogging and do them!
In other news the collar bone is healing well.
Projects on the go include the web development for church really ramping up. We go live on 1st March for a major new project. My current tasks include co-ordinating the backend development (done by RDSSA), the text content writing and editing (fortunately I don't have to do that) and the graphics coordination and development (also delegated). I have to organise the communication with the church, the connection with the church databases, office processes, testing and infrastucture. I also have to write policy and procedures for the church on the use of web technology. This is a volunteer job also.
Then I also have a number of other projects on the go for clients that all need to be done urgently.
So I am going to stop blogging and do them!
Monday, February 16, 2004
Brendan & Rosalie came over from NZ today with their 10mth old Reuben. Brendan was our wedding videographer and Rosalie the still photographer. Brendan's brother Daryl was my best man and his dad Ross married us.
Great to catch up with them and we look forward to the next two days spending time with them.
In other news - I am feeling way better - the bone is settling down and the pain is far less intense this time round. Here's hoping for a fast recovery this time. I am already back to two handed typing - still only use about 6 fingers though :)
Here's a wedding photo - actually taken by my brother Jono.

A group photo

And a snack break - Brenda and Rosalie went and got these during our loooong photo shoot with the professional photographer. That and the photos and hilarious video are much appreciated wedding presents guys!

Great to catch up with them and we look forward to the next two days spending time with them.
In other news - I am feeling way better - the bone is settling down and the pain is far less intense this time round. Here's hoping for a fast recovery this time. I am already back to two handed typing - still only use about 6 fingers though :)
Here's a wedding photo - actually taken by my brother Jono.

A group photo

And a snack break - Brenda and Rosalie went and got these during our loooong photo shoot with the professional photographer. That and the photos and hilarious video are much appreciated wedding presents guys!

Sunday, February 15, 2004
Last weeks Blogger Idol (Week 4) entries I gave top marks to.
I picked these from the perspective of the thought gone into the entry and the messages either in the story or directly stated.
Coffee Swirls
Ian's Messy Desk
Clarity Admist Chaos
Harmless Thoughts
And finally the Living Room's Author Darren Rowse own entry is a classic!
I picked these from the perspective of the thought gone into the entry and the messages either in the story or directly stated.
Coffee Swirls
Ian's Messy Desk
Clarity Admist Chaos
Harmless Thoughts
And finally the Living Room's Author Darren Rowse own entry is a classic!
And its week 5 in Blogger Idol.

The theme for this week is "Picture This"
My 4000 word interpretation (based on the idea that a picture is worth a thousand words) follows.
Mercedes Jean Miller born 9/2/04.

The theme for this week is "Picture This"
My 4000 word interpretation (based on the idea that a picture is worth a thousand words) follows.
Mercedes Jean Miller born 9/2/04.

Damage to collar bone must not have been too bad. Else drugs really good, else magnablocs working really well - or a combination of both.