Friday, December 05, 2003

Todays Results for Wednesday and Thursday
New sign ups:0

Plans Shown:0

Follow Ups:0

Contacts Made:1

Phone Calls Made:0

Notes:Went out thurs nght with Frank and Kylie to teach them to contact - I made one and Frank made one also. Kylie tried and did well though didnt have any luck yet.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Todays Results for Tuesday 2 December
New sign ups:0

Plans Shown:0

Follow Ups:0

Contacts Made:2

Phone Calls Made:4 and 2 emails sent to prospects

Notes:Am working on different EP approaches - got a no and and "I am interested, I will call in Jan"
Most of the emails are XS related

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Todays Results for Monday 1 December
New sign ups:0

Plans Shown:0

Follow Ups:0

Contacts Made:1

Phone Calls Made: 0 but 9 emails sent to previous contacts for a follow up

Notes:tried to book a plan with a lady, but she had already left work when I went back - I will go back tomorrow

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