Saturday, July 31, 2004


Blue Sloth - Book Publishing Petition

This is the first time I have ever demanded that you (my dear reader - yes you - yes with your finger pointing at yourself and the slightly amused look like a small child caught with their hand in the cookie jar and mouth open as if to say in a bemused tone "Moi?" that you PLEASE do something special. (Note I said please when I demanded but I really mean DO IT NOW DANG IT!)

  1. Go to the BLUE SLOTH
  2. Read the prelude of his book - check the rest of his site out for more fascinating bits of the book.
  3. Demand that a publisher publish it so you can buy it - all three parts of the trilogy.
  4. Comment on this post so Phil can show your comments to his publisher.

Thanks - and no more demands from me OK.
Sit back - have a Kit Kat. (after you did what I said.)

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