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Saturday, May 08, 2004
Blogger Idol 15 - Secrets

I have a little secret, a little secret it is.
Will I tell you my little secret?
Well that is a secret in itself.
I have many little secrets, though some might find then silly.
But these little secrets are my little secrets and I do not see them as silly.
If I told you my little secret, you would think it not a secret and you would be true.
Since I told you then it would no longer be my secret and I would have to search out another answer to your question.
I have many things which aren't secrets and some of those are :
I love my kids
I love my husband
My dog frustrates me but she is still a loyal hyperactive friend
I love to cook
Things scare me
Things make me laugh
Things make me cry
There is so much out there which is me but are not secrets.
I have a little secret, a little secret it is.
Will I tell you my little secret?
Note : This was not a poem just miscellaneous ramblings from a busy mum.