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Monday, April 05, 2004

Birds Of A Feather Flock Together
My initial thoughts for this week's topic was, "Where do I have a photo/drawing of birds?" What if I dressed the kids up as birds and took a photo of them?" "I think I have to write something this time."
I think Darren Rowse, of Living Room fame has set a difficult topic for this week. Though some of the credit should go to Lori at Downtown Chick Chat for her suggestion of the topic.
Here we go, brain do your work!
A little yellow bird flies through the open blue sky, enjoying the warm rays upon it's feathers. It sings a melodious song, expressing it's joy to the world.
Looking along the path it is headed, it smiles to the powerline to which it heads. Suddenly the sky above darkens, the little bird thinking to itself, "Is it going to rain? I saw no clouds."
Head turning upwards towards the darkened sky it sees to it's horror, a moving yellow mass of birds, fluttering madly towards it.
The little yellow bird fails to remember the powerline for which it was headed, flying straight into it. It's tiny body turning somersaults over the powerline before landing with a plop to the bush below.
Stunned, it blinks, regaining itself before realizing what the yellow mass meant.
Birds of a feather flock together!