Friday, February 06, 2004

Ta Da! School Is Almost Finished!

Well today was just another day, but I actually woke up feeling alright and not just wanting to go straight to bed. I didn't even sleep that well since it was the first time in a month that hubby had slept in the same bed as me. His excuse being his broken collar bone and that it doesn't go well with a water bed. He is excused, and most nights, since his sleeping on the futon, I have had little visitors anyhows. They must think I need company in bed, but then we have had a lot of storms which only seem to be active at night times, not to forget the black outs.

I can't quite remember how the morning started off, but I do remember feeling alright still. Apart from that, we had the gardens trimmed back, Miranda continued on through her schoolwork with the odd break now and then, Jadeen helped me make fruit salad, as did Erin. Hubby did some stuff on his PC and is now asleep on the couch behind me. Erin also tried to teach herself (more like tried to reach the pedals) on the trike, this was good to watch and she kept at it until she managed to tip the trike over.
The kid inside did some sudden and hard movements as if it was trying to make more room for itself, though I do not know why as the midwife said there was plenty of liquid in there still.
Jade is now playing her favourite PC game while Miranda finishes the last few sums of her maths work for the day.

We looked at butterflies and African animals today also.

Here is a journal with some great art on it.

And this arvo, if my urge to do something productive continues, I shall attempt to make some dress up clothes for the children at my kids child care centre. It may not as I do have to start working out dinner soon and am starting to get weary.

Good News!

We found a replacement cleaner!