Sunday, February 29, 2004
Blogger Idol Week 7
This weeks topic is "Play"
Play for me revolves around one of three things - my children, computer gaming or hard physical exercise.
This may not be interesting for you but that's too bad - its my life.
My kids are great fun. They are also demanding players. They know how to play hard and they want serious playing when they play. They are all or nothing kids.
Examples of playing with the kids could be playing hide and seek in the dark. This means every single light in the house must be turned off. In fact this sometimes takes as long as the game. I like to make it as hard as possible for them to find me, which can be fairly simple given that it is quite dark and they are carrying a torch or a glow stick that isn't very bright. If I stand behind a curtain (same one as every time) they will often take 3-4 minutes to find me - running backwards and forwards looking for me. Even little whistles or squeaking noises from behind the curtain are met with cries of "where is he?"
This is great fun for me!
Another great game we play is Stronghold. This a multiplayer computer RTS game (Real Time Strategy)- so it gets two of my playing addictions out of the way at once. The wife isn't fooled though. She thinks that it is a cop out of looking after the kids to play computer games with them. I however am teaching them battle strategy, logical thinking and planning and strategic castle building and design - all important skills in today's world. Actually the strategic thinking skills they learn from this are important, not the least being that Daddy always wins! Though that has being getting harder lately also.
Serious physical exercise - not quite extreme, but up there - for me involves going as fast or hard as I can at a particular sport. Mountain biking is one of my favorite (and how I broke my collar bone last month!) I love a hard ride up a hill and then blasting down as hard as possible, sliding round corners - bunnyhopping logs and rocks, getting air of jumps and generally getting adrenalin surges! It is also great for cardiovascular and anaerobic fitness.
Other sports I enjoy and excel at are soccer, AFL, squash and basketball. Additionally volleyball, running, surfing and triathlons are sports I have actively participated in. I have also played cricket, rugby union, tennis and golf.
Review of Blogger Idol Week 6
Here are my top picks from week 6 - in no particular order
Ryan has some good thoughts about censorship
Kristyk describes her (our) our attempts to watch "adult" movies!
Skywalking writes a story using movie titles
Codswallop and Flapdoodle excellently works the blogger post into a long running story
Matt Harmless draws a line in the sand

This weeks topic is "Play"
Play for me revolves around one of three things - my children, computer gaming or hard physical exercise.
This may not be interesting for you but that's too bad - its my life.
My kids are great fun. They are also demanding players. They know how to play hard and they want serious playing when they play. They are all or nothing kids.
Examples of playing with the kids could be playing hide and seek in the dark. This means every single light in the house must be turned off. In fact this sometimes takes as long as the game. I like to make it as hard as possible for them to find me, which can be fairly simple given that it is quite dark and they are carrying a torch or a glow stick that isn't very bright. If I stand behind a curtain (same one as every time) they will often take 3-4 minutes to find me - running backwards and forwards looking for me. Even little whistles or squeaking noises from behind the curtain are met with cries of "where is he?"
This is great fun for me!
Another great game we play is Stronghold. This a multiplayer computer RTS game (Real Time Strategy)- so it gets two of my playing addictions out of the way at once. The wife isn't fooled though. She thinks that it is a cop out of looking after the kids to play computer games with them. I however am teaching them battle strategy, logical thinking and planning and strategic castle building and design - all important skills in today's world. Actually the strategic thinking skills they learn from this are important, not the least being that Daddy always wins! Though that has being getting harder lately also.
Serious physical exercise - not quite extreme, but up there - for me involves going as fast or hard as I can at a particular sport. Mountain biking is one of my favorite (and how I broke my collar bone last month!) I love a hard ride up a hill and then blasting down as hard as possible, sliding round corners - bunnyhopping logs and rocks, getting air of jumps and generally getting adrenalin surges! It is also great for cardiovascular and anaerobic fitness.
Other sports I enjoy and excel at are soccer, AFL, squash and basketball. Additionally volleyball, running, surfing and triathlons are sports I have actively participated in. I have also played cricket, rugby union, tennis and golf.
Review of Blogger Idol Week 6

Here are my top picks from week 6 - in no particular order
Ryan has some good thoughts about censorship
Kristyk describes her (our) our attempts to watch "adult" movies!
Skywalking writes a story using movie titles
Codswallop and Flapdoodle excellently works the blogger post into a long running story
Matt Harmless draws a line in the sand