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Australia, Queensland, Brisbane, English, Female, 26-30.
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Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Bath Time
Mercedes had her first real bath this afternoon, in the bathroom sink. She seemed to enjoy it and I wish I could have taken pictures but I forgot to gear myself with the camera and an extra set of hands. She is now wearing a nice little cotton shirt and enjoying some afternoon tea. She has been a good girl today, enjoying both her waken and sleeping time and I am sure she would have laughed when she decided to poop on me while I was changing her nappy.
note : Jade and Erin helped bathe her while Miranda chose to watch cartoons
Today has been a good but busy one. We started off the morning with pancakes, then it was out to clean out the pool before hubby headed to a client (I needed his help to drain the last water from it). Then it was time for me to do the small amount of work I had to do for a client before appeasing the girls with lunch of peanut butter and nutella sandwiches, accompanied by a little bit of left over pasta and grated cheese. With lunch out of the way I tried to get the girls interested in some colouring in while I rested. This lasted for a little while until the younger two thought it was hilarious to play with daddy's stick deodorant.
I went back to bed but the phone rang. It was mum. She rang to tell me that my uncle peter was engaged to a nice Fijian woman. I have the chance of meeting her tomorrow if I get my timing right.
There was to be no more rest after this so I tidied up the lounge for my hubby who has a business meeting tonight, bathed Mercedes and now am feeding her. After this short break I shall get to afternoon tea for the girls, hanging out the laundry, getting another load started, take out the rubbish bins and then, finally, dinner. Somewhere in there I have phonecalls to make, fruit and vege order to receive and confirm the price for, and some more tiding up long with the dishes to be done. (We have a dishwasher...Yah!)
I shall sleep well tonight, inbetween feeds and shall start tomorrow afresh with little to do apart from shop and drop the girls at childcare.
Tonights Menu
Dunno but something to do with tinned tuna
Mercedes had her first real bath this afternoon, in the bathroom sink. She seemed to enjoy it and I wish I could have taken pictures but I forgot to gear myself with the camera and an extra set of hands. She is now wearing a nice little cotton shirt and enjoying some afternoon tea. She has been a good girl today, enjoying both her waken and sleeping time and I am sure she would have laughed when she decided to poop on me while I was changing her nappy.
note : Jade and Erin helped bathe her while Miranda chose to watch cartoons
Today has been a good but busy one. We started off the morning with pancakes, then it was out to clean out the pool before hubby headed to a client (I needed his help to drain the last water from it). Then it was time for me to do the small amount of work I had to do for a client before appeasing the girls with lunch of peanut butter and nutella sandwiches, accompanied by a little bit of left over pasta and grated cheese. With lunch out of the way I tried to get the girls interested in some colouring in while I rested. This lasted for a little while until the younger two thought it was hilarious to play with daddy's stick deodorant.
I went back to bed but the phone rang. It was mum. She rang to tell me that my uncle peter was engaged to a nice Fijian woman. I have the chance of meeting her tomorrow if I get my timing right.
There was to be no more rest after this so I tidied up the lounge for my hubby who has a business meeting tonight, bathed Mercedes and now am feeding her. After this short break I shall get to afternoon tea for the girls, hanging out the laundry, getting another load started, take out the rubbish bins and then, finally, dinner. Somewhere in there I have phonecalls to make, fruit and vege order to receive and confirm the price for, and some more tiding up long with the dishes to be done. (We have a dishwasher...Yah!)
I shall sleep well tonight, inbetween feeds and shall start tomorrow afresh with little to do apart from shop and drop the girls at childcare.
Tonights Menu
Dunno but something to do with tinned tuna