Tuesday, February 03, 2004

After doing a little bit of work (I only had a little bit to do so i did it all), I decided it was time to sit down and add this mornings memories.

Miranda asked me a creepy question this morning "Does the baby stay in your tummy if it dies?" Up until then, well a few minutes ago actually, I had not felt it move all morning, and it is usually pretty active in the morning when i first wake up. I have my hospital appointment today so we shall see how things are going, which I am sure they are alright.

I dropped my younger two at childcare with no tears (theirs) and they were pretty happy to go. They seem to like it there and always have fun. This is one reason why I haven't bothered to try and place them somewhere closer. The childcare they go to provides meals, TLC, and lots of stimulating activities. They also encourage the parents to get involved in the activities happening around the place. They do not mind if siblings do not want to be separated at first and will keep them together. Their rooms aren't over crowded and their prices are reasonable. You can chat with the teachers/staff about any concerns or even just chat generally. They get to know you and your child, not swapping teachers around constantly.
I found them by chance, when i was looking for childcare about 3 years ago (i think it was longer then that). My mother mentioned them as they are situated just around the corner from her place.

Well I must split for now, need to give Miranda some help in her studies and try to get some kind of rest today.