Monday, November 24, 2003

wow what a day!
today I killed a snake that was in my yard and scared the lawn mower dude
i also pruned the mandarin tree - did you know those things have massive spikey thorns on them - i didn't until i got my forearms shredded by them
i had to try and get the (new) car in the garage to avoid a hail storm that didnt happen - fortunately - and then while on the way out to a business meeting actually did get caught in a hail storm. We sheltered under a bridge with a whole lot of other cars.
No damage fortunately - glad i didnt ride the motorbike - almost did! - that would have been a mistake!
today i got my wifes blog working, and also my sister in laws.
I also argued - via email - with my isp over my "downloading" 5.2Gb in one day when i wasnt home. the last tech support email said i wont be charged at least but will take 2-3 weeks to investigate this
now im going to play some battlefield 1942 before bed

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